Character Generator
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux
# Character Generator
A tools to generate character based on Modern Interiors assets
# Prerequisites
- Modern Interiors assets is required for this character generator
# Instructions
0. Download generator.html
1. Ensure generator.html is located in Modern_Interiors/2_Characters folder
2. Open Generator.html
3. Click Choose files and select Character_Generator folder to import the assets
4. Voila!
# Assets
# Credits
- Inspired by works, so build this tools for my machine
- LimeZu for the great assets
# Source Code
Pull Request welcome!
Install instructions
- Modern Interiors assets is required for this character generator
- Place generator.html in Modern_Interiors/2_Characters folder
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Does this work for the free version of Modern Interiors as well?
God Tier!!!
How do i insert those sprite to RPGmaker?
I have the same question
All the options just say n/a. I pretty sure I followed all the steps correctly. Can somebody help?
Hey! I just had this problem and not sure if it'll help but try making sure the sprites are ACTUALLY there. Go into the Character Generator folder, then click a random folder, then another random one, (Example: Character Generator -> Accessories -> 16x16) and make sure there are pictures in there. If there aren't, try re downloading modern interiors. Hope this helps!
OMG, your version is great, it's only about 8kb while Unity generator version is 13GB when I use that for a while
I'm having the same problems getting this into Godot.
Anyone able to figure this one out?
If you are having issues with getting Godot's sprite to show these properly, you need to trim the bottom of the file. Currently, they are 1968px tall but should instead be 1920px tall. By removing the extra pixels from the bottom only, you can import and use them in Godot.
This has been tested with Godot 4.
the sprite wont show up for me:(
how do I fix this
You should put on the right location, i had same issue then fixed it by place the generator.html file in \Modern_Interiors\2_Characters\ .
Hello, I love how this works! I was curious if you or anyone else had suggestions to implement something similar to this into Unity. I'm looking to create a Stardew Valley-like character customizer so the player can edit the design within the game. I understand animation layering for the separate sheets, but was wondering if it were possible to have a single animation for each outfit/accessory instead of having hundreds of animations which accomplish the same thing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
If anyone try to generate a png with 896 x 640 instead of 927 x 656, that can chop 16x16 character prefectly, you can open the generator.html with txt and find this two line:
canvas.width = this.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = this.naturalHeight;
change it to:
canvas.width = 896 ;
canvas.height = 640;
save it and open it again, you can save your png file as 896 x 640 instead of 927 x 656 which you should manuly chop each of the character and cannot directly chop it to 56 col x 20 row. This not the best way to do it but it work for me.
I also change this line
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 896 , 640);
for trying, but just change this does not work. I am too lazy to test the result with and without this line, so if not work change this too.
It doesn't work, please update.
Does not work anymore! Please update!
I just tried this (first time) and everything worked for me okay. What didn't work? Double check instructions? Make sure you're using a webkit based browser (chrome/edge/safari/opera)?
yeah this does not work lol
Slicing the sprites is a pain because they are not generated correctly.
Hey do you mind making the 16x16 image 896px by 640px. Its off and I needed to crop it to make is work for me in Godot. But thanks for the tool its very useful when making characters.
Frame number in Godot Sprite node. Hopefully this will help finding a particular frame.
Why 16x16 is bugged?
should be fixed now, can try to download again for the latest
thanks you